Thursday, December 5, 2019

2020: Self-defense

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Too Many Books to Count—I’m so glad you stopped by! This month, I decided to do something a little different. Instead of waiting until 2020 had already started, to talk about all the things I want to do that year, I’m doing it in December, 2019. That way I can jump in head first, when 2020 finally gets here. Which I’m pretty sure will happen in the blink of an eye, with how fast the rest of this year went by.

So, I’m not talking about resolutions for 2020, but about things I’m planning on, things I really want to do in the next year. Be they trips I’m planning, activities, or even things to do with my writing—these are all things I’m resolved to do in 2020, without actually making resolutions out of them.

2020: Self-defense

If you know anything about me at all, then you probably know how much I love to travel. I love it. If I could, I would travel for a living. I love getting to see new places and things, to try new things, to explore the world around me and discover more about the people who live in it. But, being a fairly small woman, I feel like self-defense classes are a pretty solid idea, if I’m planning on ramping up my travels.

I have a pretty big trip planned for 2020, and I want to be fully prepared, in every way shape and form. I want to be ready for it. For whatever comes on that trip. And it’s not that I think this is something I’ll need on that trip, but that I know it’s good to be prepared, that it’s good to know myself and my surroundings and know what I’m doing, and what to do if there was ever an occasion to do so.

In 2020, I’d like to take some self-defense classes. I haven’t yet determined what form that’s going to take, but there it is. I want to know how to defend myself, and/or others, if it comes down to it.

Dancing has helped me become aware of my body in a way that I never knew I could be, but I think self-defense classes would really ramp that up, in a whole new way. I want to be aware of my body, not just as a form of art, but as a defensive being. I want to know what I am and am not capable of, considering things like my size and body type. Important things in this day and age, no?

Thus far, my plan is to get a group of women together and go take some self-defense classes, but that’s literally as far as I’ve gotten. I know that this is something I want to do, something that I really see myself getting into, in 2020… but I still need to put a lot more thought into it.

To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling like some of you might have some good pointers for me, on this front! So if you do, please drop me a line and let me know!

What about you? Do you have any classes you’re planning on taking in 2020, to better yourself as a person?


{Rani Divine}

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