Monday, November 19, 2018


Hey guys! Welcome back to Too Many Books to Count! I’m glad you stopped by again, during such a busy week. I think you’ll like what I have to say, today.

All month long, since it’s NaNoWriMo, we’re talking about ways that I’ve gotten myself into the writing zone, to make sure I keep writing, no matter what. We’ve talked about things like ASMR and soundtracks, to help get our minds in the zone, and we’ve discussed the pros and cons behind the television, when we’re trying to write. But today, because it’s such a busy week, I thought I’d talk about one of my favorite methods.

#5: Get Comfy

Of course, you don’t want to get too comfy, but please, get comfy.

It’s one of the biggest pros of being a writer, in general. We work from home. Nobody sees us. We can be in our jammies all day, and no one is ever the wiser. (it’s the same for editors, if they let you work at home ;-))

And it’s also one of the things I’m highly inclined to use, when it comes to getting myself in the zone.

But how do we do this? I know, after all, that it’s not always so easy.

First thing’s first:

Put on something that isn’t restrictive. I don’t recommend jeans, when you’re trying to write. I don’t know what it is, but I swear they’re not conducive to getting those creative juices flowing. If you want to get a mass of words out today, I highly recommend putting on some comfy clothes. Whether that’s your jammies, a pair of sweats, or a bath robe—that’s entirely up to you. But get yourself comfy, so there won’t be any distractions from the articles of clothing adorning you.

Second thing’s second:

It’s easier to write in some places than it is in others. It also entirely depends on the writer, as to what places are easier or harder. So you’ll have to do some experimentation, in order to figure this one out. For me, I write best in one of two places. Either a classroom (which, I know, prohibits the comfy clothes option) or my bedroom (perfect for comfy clothes). I don’t know what it is, but sometimes a lecture is just what I need, to get those juices flowing. Find a place that’s not going to distract you, a place that will lend itself to getting those words on the page. Props if your space allows you to be comfy as well!

Third thing’s third:

Do not—I repeat, do not—make yourself into a pretzel while you’re writing. The last thing you need is both feet falling asleep while you’re trying to write. Don’t do it. Make sure you’re in a position where your blood is freely flowing, where nothing’s going to distract you and tear you away from your work to fix what you shouldn’t have done to yourself. Don’t hold your neck at a weird angle, either. And if you haven’t already, figure out something to block the blue light from your computer screen. It’ll make things easier on your eyes, which makes it easier to stay in that nice, comfy position.

See why it’s one of my favorite topics? See?!

The hardest part is making sure you’re not so comfy that you fall asleep. Balance is the key. But isn’t it always? ;-)


{Rani Divine}

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