Monday, December 12, 2016

Be Friendly

Last week, in our discussion on what to get for writers, I picked three things that I really enjoy getting as Christmas gifts, and talked about getting them for other writers. This week, I have another idea. Here I’m going to talk about three things that are simply touching, and might not require as much attention to what we specifically like to read, what programs we use on our computers, or what utensils we like to write with.

To start things off, the simplest of them all:


It’s no secret that many writers are introverted. There’s really nothing you can do to change that. But you know what introverts really enjoy?

One-on-one time. 

We like that personal connection with people, that time to sit with someone and really enjoy their company, and we don’t get that a lot. Most events we get invited to, we don’t want to go to—mostly because there will be so many people there that we’ll find ourselves utterly overstimulated, with no way to resolve the problem.

So invite us over for a holiday meal. Let us sit and enjoy our time together, just a few of us. We don’t generally like to go with more than five or six.

Most of all, don’t forget to let us talk about our work.

For a lot of us, writing is our favorite thing to do and our absolute favorite thing to talk about. So when you ask a question like, “other than writing, what have you been up to?” it breaks our heart a little bit. We want to tell you about this awesome new story we’re working on and all the cool things we’ve gotten to do with it. We want to tell you about our craft and how much fun we’ve had in learning about writing and expanding our own minds to allow for new ideas and interesting trains of thought.

Don’t keep us from that.

You want to talk about the things you like, don’t you? So let us do the same. Let us enjoy who we are and what we do, and give us some time to show you all about it.

It’s what we crave, even though a lot of us won’t say it aloud. We like to spend time with you, we like to hear about what you’re doing and what beautiful things you do in your everyday lives, and we want to tell you what happens in ours too.

Friendship is a two way street, especially for an introvert.


{Rani Divine}

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