Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The end of all things

Hey guys! Welcome back to Too Many Book to Count! I’m glad you stopped by. :)

All month long, we’re talking about themes, legends, and myths that have been popular for eons and will continue to be popular until the end of time—and why I think we can use these things to our advantage, when it comes to our own writing. Thus far in our series we’ve discussed everything from Arthurian Legend to wandering gypsies (if you haven’t been keeping up, make sure you go back and read what we’ve already discussed!), and this week, I have two more really fun topics to discuss with you.

#5: The Apocalypse

All right, sure, this theme hasn’t been insanely popular for that long, but still, it’s one that people have enjoyed reading about, hearing about, talking about, for hundreds and hundreds of years. It’s something that intrigues many people, and something that became huge over the past decade or so.

And I think I know why. The world is complicated, right now. Much as we try to claim that technology simplifies our lives, we all know that’s not really the truth. It makes us reliant upon it, yes, but it doesn’t simplify anything. The coming of the apocalypse means the end of technology as we know it, and a world like that is simply… intriguing, to say the very least.

Thing is, there are so many different versions of the apocalypse that there’s literally an unending stream of paths you could take with this, in your own writing. I’m serious, you could do whatever you wanted, and make it into the apocalypse. You could follow some trendy veins like zombies or plagues, or you could make up something of your own. Maybe people just suddenly started dying, and no one knows why. Wasn’t really an illness, wasn’t really anything. They just started dying, and now there’s hardly anyone left.

Fascinating, right?

Millions of other people think so too. In fact, there are millions and millions of readers who prefer (or solely read) fiction based on the apocalypse. That’s an entire treasure trove of readers in your target market, and they already believe in the thing you’re trying to sell! They believe the apocalypse is coming, or that it could be coming, and they want to know what happens to people when it comes.

You could be the next writer to make a billion dollars of this idea. Yeah, I know, that’s not what I’m here to talk about, but it’s true. With the number of ideas that are out there, just waiting for you to pick them up and use them, the apocalypse will forever remain one of those subject matters that’s safe to work with, no matter what. There’ll always be someone out there who wants to read about it.

Seriously. There will. The hardest part is finding them, but isn’t that always the case?


{Rani Divine}

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