Hey guys! Welcome back
to Too Many Books to Count! I’m glad
you stopped by for the continuation in our series on myths, legends, and themes
we writers should never stop using. This week, I have two really fun topics—and
I hope you enjoy them as much (or more!) as I do.
As you know, this month
we’ve been discussing some of the most popular myths, legends, and themes which
authors have readily available for our use. Readily available because everyone
knows what these things are, and we have far less to go through in order to suspend
people's disbelief in what’s going on in our story. Of course, as you probably
know, most of these work better in sci-fi/fantasy genres—but this week, I have
two that could go either way.
#3: Atlantis
I love the legends of
Atlantis. I love all the ways Hollywood and authors both big and small try to
take this legend and make it into something new. Sure, sometimes it gets
overdone, but a lot of that is because people are trying to remake what’s
already been done. And that, of course, is never what I’m suggesting.
See, everyone knows
Atlantis. Say the name, and literally everyone in the room knows you’re talking
about the lost city that supposedly sunk to the bottom of the ocean and
disappeared. And that’s what makes it one of those legends, those themes,
that’s easily moldable into a completely new story.
Not even on Earth,
perhaps? ;-)
But really, there are a
plethora of things you can do with the idea of Atlantis, even if you never
refer to the city as Atlantis. Just the idea of a city being lowered into the
bottom of the ocean creates all kinds of story ideas.
So maybe your
protagonist is a scientist, one who’s been obsessed with Atlantis since he
was a little kid. And maybe he's now found something, some secret buried in
the Norse myths (which, as you know, aren’t related to Atlantis), and discovers
its location. Say, when he gets there, he uncovers a disease that could wipe
out humanity. Now this scientist has what he's always wanted, but now he
also has a problem he’ll have to solve before he can go home.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that story before, have you?
That right there is
evidence that there are still millions of things available for us to do with
the legend of Atlantis. There are millions of possibilities, of storylines,
just waiting for us to write them down and go on the adventure.
And because everyone
already knows the legend of Atlantis, because the legend has a following of
fairly large proportions, you’ll already have a good start when it comes to
finding a fan base.
We all know how nice
that is.
But it’s not just Earth
fiction where we can write stories based on Atlantis. Ever see Stargate? They
had a whole spinoff dedicated to the idea that Atlantis was a spaceship, a
flying city, and that it was now in the Pegasus galaxy.
You could take the idea
of Atlantis and make it into something new, something no one’s ever heard
before, and renew a love of this legend in people who may have given it up. In
fact, I believe that you should.
Somebody has to.
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