Thursday, May 17, 2018


Writers write. That’s what they always say. But you know what? Sometimes it’s hard to stay in that frame of mind. Especially after writing over a dozen books, there comes a point where we start to wonder if we’re doing anything beneficial at all, if there’s any reason to continue writing, or if we should just give up and call it quits.

That’s what we call a rut, and that’s what we’re trying to claw our way out of, all month long.

This week, however, is all about inspiration. Tuesday we talked about music, ambiance, but today I have something that could be even more important.

Find an inspiring place

It’s hard for me to actually follow this advice. I struggle to find places where I can write, places where I actually feel inspired in the moment. But I do know that they exist, because I have found them before, on occasion. Actually, for me, the most inspiring place is a boring classroom setting. I love it, Put me in a lecture, and I’ll write you a novel.

That’s not how most of us work though, is it?

Get out there and find a place of your own, where you can write what you want to write, where you feel inspired to write the things you need to write.

Whether that be a coffee shop, a city park, a train, or a classroom—find what works for you.

The biggest thing here, I think, the thing that writers struggle the most with, is the fact that other writers think we’re strange, for writing where we want to write. But you know what? We are a little strange. If you’re not wonko, then you’re not a writer. So go hang upside down and write, if that’s what you need to do. None of the rest of us have the right to say anything against where you want to write. It’s not our decision, but yours. It’s not our inspirational place, but yours.

Get out there and find it. Experiment with new places, places where you didn’t think you’d be able to write. Try new things. Check out new parts of your city. Write in the place you least expected.

Find that inspiration, whatever it takes.

If it comes right down to it, flip the rut over and use it as a bench. As long as you find a place where you can sit down and write, where you won’t be distracted, where you can get in the zone and write the words your mind so desperately wants to write.

Because as they say, you’re not a writer if you’re not writing.



{Rani D.}

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