Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Feeling like you’re in a rut with your writing, and you just can’t wiggle your way out of it? Getting a little weary of writing what feels like the same thing, over and over again? I completely understand. It happens to the best of us. We all reach that point where we feel like this story has already been written before, when it seems like there’s no point and no reason and nothing to write at all.

But that’s what this month’s topic is for. All month long, I have been and will continue to give you some ideas for how to get yourself out of that rut. They’re all tried and true, because I’ve used every single one of them. So you know something in this list is bound to help you.

Today, I want you to…

Find some inspiring music

No brainer, right? Well, finding the right music is a lot harder than it sounds! There have been times when I’ve spent over an hour looking for the right music to match the scene I want to write—but once I find the right music, I can write for hours without once feeling like I’m back in that rut.

That’s why what you’re listening to is so important.

Now, I understand that some writers are able to write while listening to music with lyrics, but I am not one of those. Nope. I need to have music with no lyrics whatsoever, or lyrics that are so faint and difficult to understand that they won’t draw me out of what I’m doing.

That’s why I listen to epic music. It’s like soundtrack music, only it’s not actually from a soundtrack. If you’re interested, check out Two Steps From Hell, Audiomachine, and Future World Music. All of them are amazing and have gotten me out of many a rut in my writing life.

But that’s not the only type of music you can use to inspire you. For some of us, it’s not music at all, but sound effects. Nature sounds, city sounds, whatever it is that gets your brain into the right frame of mind to write what you’re here to write—no one else, not even another writer, has the right to say what you should and shouldn’t listen to while you’re writing.

That’s exactly why I didn’t say you have to try out epic music. I know that for some of you, it won’t be helpful in the slightest. But for me, it’s just the ticket.

Music, sound effects, ambiance, are extremely inspiring for authors. The sounds of the world around us always flavor what we’re writing, what we’re working on. So let them. Find something that flavors your writing in the way you want, and put it on repeat. Even if it’s just one song that you’re listening to over and over again, do it!

Find that sound that inspires you, that music, that ambiance that brings you into a world of creativity.

You’ll be glad you did.


{Rani Divine}

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