Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Resolution #9: Understand the Power of Words

Yeah, yeah, we're all writers, so of course we know that words are powerful. But I guarantee that most of us have no idea just how powerful words really are.

See, when you speak something, or even when you write it, you give power to it. This resolution is about understanding that power, and knowing what you're wielding when you write and when you speak.

1. Spoken

Like I said, when you speak a word, you give power to it. By talking about something, you give it permission to come into being. This is how many self-fulfilling prophecies come to pass. It's because we talked about them so much that they happened. That's how it works.

So, I want to challenge you to listen to what you're saying, to focus on the words and their meanings, and to know what you're talking about when you're talking about it. Don't talk about things that you don't want to be. Speak things that aren't as though they were.

For example, I say that I'm a writer. Even on days when I might not feel like writing, on days when I don't have time to write, or on days when the scenes I need to write aren't the ones I want to write, I still call myself a writer. I still speak good things over my work, whether I'm liking it at that instant or not. And you know what? When I go back and read it, it's pretty darn good. But it's only been that way since I've started speaking only good things over myself and my work.

2. Written

As writers, we work with the power of words. As they say, the pen is mightier than the sword. But many of us fail to see just how powerful words truly are — even the ones that are written on the page.

See, when you write something, your intent is for someone else to read it. But did you know that when someone else reads your work, you're planting notions, ideas, and concepts into their minds? Do you consider this, when you're writing, that every word you write here will be read by someone else, perhaps someone who will take to heart what you're saying?

That means if you're in a bad mood, and you write like you're in a bad mood, and nothing turns out right and all your characters come out the other end worse for wear and hating the world, you're planting in someone's mind that this is how things are, that there is no good in the world.

But my friends, there is so much good in the world! You witness it in your own lives every day, even if you're too busy to notice. There is goodness in this world, and it is our duty to spread it, to share it through our words. But we can't do that very well if we don't even take into account how very powerful our words can be.

I hope this challenges you, friends. I hope that you learn something from it. And I hope that you'll take this resolution with me, to learn and understand the power of our words.


{Rani Divine}

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