Which, by the way, means there'll be a Cedwig excerpt next week!
But I really enjoyed working on this series, and sharing some new things with all of you. I really do hope that you've taken on some new resolutions to better yourself and your work, and I hope that you know you can contact me if you ever need help with your writing, or if you want to know more about any of these resolutions -- because they are, as you know, things I've taken on myself.
Today though, we talk about a resolution that's very near and dear to my heart. You all know it, but here I'm going to give you a new spin.
Resolution #10: Refuse to Believe in Writer's Block
Yeah, a lot of writers will tell you that this is impossible, that if you're a writer you have to face writer's block. I say that's a bunch of crap and they should shut their mouths, because I do not, nor will I ever, face the block.
Because I made this resolution.
And here's how I came to it:
1. Words have power
We talked about this on Monday. I made this discovery a few years ago, that words have a far greater power than we give them credit for. And it occurred to me that most of the writers I knew who said they faced writer's block were also writers who lived in fear of it. They were the writers who said things like, "well everything's going good now, but you know block is right around the corner."
That never sat well with me. For one, I had never experienced writer's block. I still haven't, actually. I write as often as I like, without fear of the block, because I don't believe it exists.
See, that's the thing. I don't believe it. And if you believe it exists, it does -- for you. You have the right to decide whether or not writer's block exists for you, just as I have the right to decide the same for me.
I choose not to believe in it, and I write without hindrance or fear.
2. You are a writer
What is a writer? Well, they're people who write. So then, how do they end up being blocked, if this is what they do love to do?
That's a very good question, and one I believe I've already reached the answer to. But the point I want to make here is that you are a writer. If you believe that, if you've really let it sink into your heart and seep through your veins, then you've already succeeded.
Real writers, people who truly believe in what they do, in what they're doing, and who refuse to give up on it no matter what -- those are the people who can tell the block who's boss, who can chop off the head of the beast and feed it to the wolves.
You're a writer. So believe it, be it, do it.
{Rani Divine}