Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Middle Ground

Happy Wednesday! I still can't bring myself to call it hump day—it's just too weird.

Monday, we decided that Option #3 for our basic plot was the best. In case you missed it, Click Here to check it out and see if you agree with me.

Today, we're branching out. So Neal is in process of transferring Kaylen to Hunter custody... but what happens next, and how do we avoid cliche?


(part two)

Again, I've prepared three options for you:

Option #1: An unconscious Kaylen is transferred to Hunter custody, where she must fight to free herself.

Option #2: While Neal is making the transfer, Kaylen wakes up and Neal decides that he's made the wrong decision, and that he has to now help her.

Option #3: Before Neal can even make his first attempt at the transfer, Kaylen realizes what's going on and fights back.

And again, the truth is that any of the three could be good. If we did them properly, they could be a lot of fun to read. But let's break it down anyway. (and remember, what we decide here is not necessarily how the story will play out)

Option #1:

This one could be interesting. However, we already went through the trouble of describing Apollo—and not any of the Hunter ships. So if we decide on this one, we would have to create more ships, probably add new characters, and likely end up with a lot more than a single short story. So, while it might work out, it would require more additions and might pile up on us.

Option #2:

Okay, really, how cliched can we get? I don't know how many times I've seen or read the story of the bad guy changing his mind at the last minute and deciding to help his would-be target. Let's not even explore this one fully, shall we? There are many ways it could be done right, but there are almost too many ways for it to be done wrong.

Option #3:

This one... Well this one is fun, because we have some options, but not too many options. We could choose to explore the how (as in, how Kaylen figured it out), or we could choose to explore the why (as in, why Neal chose to sell her out). We're left with enough options to make a short story, but not so many options that we could easily get carried away. So again, I'm going to cast my vote for #3.

That means all we need to do now is decide on an ending. But that'll have to wait until Friday.

Again, remember, everything here is Copyrighted by RAD Writing, 2015.


{Rani D.}

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