Friday, May 16, 2014

Under Review

On this lovely Friday afternoon, when I'd much rather be outside working on my tan, I've written the next installment of things you'll need to know if you really want to be a writer.

This one's a doozy. It's something we really don't like to think about, because it brings knots to our stomachs and makes us want to crawl back in bed for the rest of our lives, and never pick up a pen and paper, much less type on a keyboard, ever again. 

Yeah, that's right. 

#6.      Getting reviewed sucks

We all know how harsh editors can be. They rip our babies apart and force new ideas into them: and that's never something we really want to do.

But (trust me on this) reviewers are even worse.

See, they're not trying to make your work better. Where editors are legitimately trying to help you, trying to make your piece the best that it can be, reviewers are just saying what they think and not really caring how you feel about their opinions.

And that's what sucks about it.

Yes, some of the reviews you get will be great. People will love your stories and they'll have nothing but positive things to say about them.

But (trust me on this, too) it won't always be that way.

There's always at least one work that people don't like. And there are always people out there who would rather bash something than say even one good thing about it.

The point here is that you'll have to be okay with this. Don't take any of those negative reviews to heart, and use what they've said when you write and edit your next books.

And don't forget, cling to the good reviews, and save them in a file somewhere. On days when you're feeling down, those are just the thing to bring you back up.

I love you all, and don't worry, I won't rip your work to shreds (unless I'm editing and I need to in order to make the work better *wink*).

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

{Rani D.}

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