Saturday, May 3, 2014


In the continuation of things you'll need to know if you want to be a professional writing fiend... 

            4. You will have to talk to people, and you will have to stop talking to them

As they say, there are two types of people in the world: introverts and extroverts.
Both of these types can make good writers, and both of them do. 


(Ahh, the dreaded “but”…)

The truth of the matter is that these two types of people have very different writing styles.

For introverts, the writing tends to come more easily. It’s natural, it flows, and we don’t have to think about it (yes, I’m generally one of those). But for extroverts, it’s the talking that comes naturally. Sometimes the writing is more difficult to achieve, because they’re so busy talking about writing, instead of actually writing.

So here’s a life lesson for each group:

If you’re an introvert, like me…

You will have to talk to people.

I know, it sucks. But no matter how comfortable we are in our fictional worlds, we have to poke our heads into the real ones now and again if we really want to get anything done.

If you’re a crazy person *ahem* I mean, if you’re an extrovert…

You will have to stop talking to people, and sit down to work.

I know, for you guys, that sucks too. You’re social, I get it (at least, I try), but the point is that occasionally you need to shut up and let your words come out on paper, instead of just talking.

Essentially, no matter what category you’re in, you’ll have to find a happy medium to satisfy the life of a writer, especially if you’re looking to publish.

Yeah, that probably sounds easy, but trust me, it’s harder than it looks.

{Rani D.}

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