Thursday, October 11, 2018


Hi guys! Welcome back to Too Many Books to Count! I’m glad you stopped by again, for today’s addition to our series.

As you (should) know, this month we’re discussing some popular myths, legends, and themes that everyone knows about and many people love to read—and that, by extension, writers should never stop writing. Thus far in the series we’ve discussed everything from Arthurian Legend to the legend of Atlantis, and we’re nowhere near done. I have a plethora of ideas for you, just wait and see.

#4: Gypsies

For the first time in our series, I’m talking about something I haven’t written already! What?! How is this possible?!

It’s true, I’ve never written a story with gypsies in it. But I also don’t write a lot of stories that take place on Earth, or that would naturally have gypsies within them. You know, most sci-fi doesn’t have gypsies in it (maybe one of us should change that).

Gypsies, for some reason, are an extremely popular theme in fiction. No, actually, I know why. It’s because gypsies are very different from the average person you meet in your everyday life. Gypsies don’t have a real home, necessarily, but travel from place to place on a whim. They go where they want to go and do what they want to do. Sometimes, they practice the occult. Others, they’re masters of the circus arts. Still others, they’re just fun-loving people who didn’t really want to settle down.

Whatever the case, whatever the version, that’s what makes them fascinating to a so-called average reader. The average reader doesn’t live like a gypsy, and so a gypsy is an extremely interesting thing to consider.

And, again, gypsies are something we all know about. Everyone knows what a gypsy is, or has their own idea of what a gypsy should be. Some of us think of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, while others go straight to Phantom of the Opera. Others think of surfers or artists, or groupies of a band.

Thing is, there aren’t as many gypsy stories as there should be. Or maybe there are, and I just haven’t seen them. We should try to fix that, too.

There are so many things writers can do with gypsies, in literally any genre. They fit into every world, because nearly every way of life would naturally have them. Maybe there are entire species’ who live their lives as gypsies. The possibilities are endless! And I sincerely hope that you explore them, publish them, and then send me a link so I can come along for the ride.

Seriously. I need more gypsy stories in my life.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


{Rani Divine}

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