Wednesday, January 6, 2016


If you're a writer, then there's one resolution that you should absolutely make, if you haven't made it already.

Resolution #1: 

Write, Every Day

(That's something I actually wrote — and it's in Mavguard Edition II)

Of course, the harder part of this is figuring out how to make it happen. It's a lot more difficult that it sounds, when it comes right down to it. We all have things going on in our lives, things we have to do each and every day. Some of us are parents, some of us have jobs that take up the majority of our time, others of us are students and have to devote all our time to studying. But we're all writers, and we all have to take the time to write. If we give up on that, then we've lost sight of what it is to be a writer.

Thing is, it doesn't really matter how much you write each day. It just matters that you do it, that you get in a few words, every day.

That in mind, I have two helpful methods for you, to figure out how to fit it into your schedule.

Goal Types

1. Time

This is one of the most popular goal forms, when it comes to writing every day. Rather than deciding on how much writing you need to get done in any given day, decide how long you want to spend on it every day. It can be as little as ten minutes, as long as you do it every day.

Whether it be a few minutes at breakfast and another few minutes at lunch, whether some days are devoted primarily to research and others to pure writing, set yourself a time goal, and stick to it.

If you have a set schedule, and you always know what time of day you're going to be free, this is probably the best option for you. 

2. Words

Personally, this is my favorite, simply because it varies daily as to how much writing I can get done in any given number of hours. And I'm one of those people who likes to get a specific amount done every day.

Generally, I set a number goal for myself every day. Sometimes it varies by day, depending on how much work I have that day, but I always shoot for between 2,000-6,000 words a day.

Now, you could also set a goal for number of words to write in a week, but this is a little dangerous for those of you out there who are accustomed to procrastination. See, if you're not "strong" enough to keep yourself going at it every single day, then at the end of the week you'll find yourself with a huge number hanging on your head—and most of you in this situation will give up. I know because I've done it before.

Whatever it takes, make sure you stick to it. Set realistic goals for yourself, ones that you know you'll be able to stick to.

Writer, write. Every day.


{Rani D.}

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