Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I sincerely hope that very few of you are reading this today, because you’re all out spending time with your friends and family, and eating inordinate amounts of dinner and dessert. I also hope you’ll have an extra slice of pie, for me. Pecan is my personal favorite.

Me? I wrote this post a few days ago, because I knew I’d be busy on Thanksgiving Day, but I didn’t want to leave you high and dry. My aunt and uncle, and their four children, are coming from Maine to visit us, which means my house will be fuller than usual and I’ll be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, and having all sorts of fun.

But I wanted to say, before this month is over, before we reach the end of November and the whole month goes by without my saying it…

Thank you!

Thank you all, every one of you, for reading this post. Thank you for reading whatever posts of mine that you read. Thank you for checking in, every so often, to see what I’m talking about that day. Thank you for reading what I have to say, and for enjoying it. Thank you for reading. Thank you, for existing.

Yeah, that’s a weird thing to say, but it’s true nonetheless. I’m thankful that you’re around, that you’re here with us, that you’re reading this today.

And I hope that you have the happiest of Thanksgivings, and that you smile until your face hurts, today. Remember, even if it’s a crappy day, your body literally can’t tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real one, so even if it sucks, just laugh it off and you’ll feel better by the end of the day.

Thank you. Seriously. Each and every one of you. Thank you for reading Too Many Books to Count, for reading my books, and for hanging on for the ride. It’s been a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to see where we all go from here.

Have the greatest day ever, and don’t shop too hard this weekend, okay?


{Rani Divine}

P.S. RAD Writing has a sale this weekend… if, you know, you want to get some books, for some of your friends. Or, for yourselves. ;-)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Giving Thanks: The people I love

Hi everyone, and welcome to Too Many Books to Count! I’m so glad you’ve returned for the final week of our November series! All month long, as you know, we’ve been talking about things we’re thankful for, and reasons beyond the obvious, for that thankfulness. We’ve talked about things like cold weather, wordsmiths, editors, and so much more—and if you haven’t read the rest of the series, I strongly encourage that you do. It’s been a really fun one, and I myself have gotten a lot out of it, as well. There are a lot of things for you be thankful for, in a lot of ways we often don’t consider.

Today? I have one last thing I’m extremely thankful for, and that I think every one of us should be thankful for, in some way, shape, or form.

Giving Thanks: The people I love

Obvious, yes? It should be. But it’s so obvious that I really wanted to spend some time with this one. It’s one that everyone is thankful for. We’re thankful for the people around us, the people we love, no matter what. But I don’t think we often think about why we’re thankful for those people, or what it is about them that makes us thankful for them.

So that’s what I want to talk about, today. I’m going to tell you about some of the people I love, and tell you why it is that I’m so thankful for them—in the hopes that you, too, will think of the people you love, and really appreciate why it is that you should be so very thankful for them.


I credit Nicole with some of why I started writing, in the first place. She was my best friend, from the time we were both two years old, and she’s still one of the best friends I have. She’s always there, even if I rarely get to see her in person anymore (adulting...). She’s the one I first wrote stupid teenage mysteries with, the person with whom I wrote a series of short stories about silly animals, and the person with whom I discovered a love of many, many fonts (of which I had to break myself, when I started publishing… no one wants to read a whole book in a script font, guys). Nicole is the friend who’s been there with me, through it all, and who’s encouraged me every single step of the way. And even if she’s often too busy to pick up a book and read it (nurses are awesome, y'all), I know what’s in her heart—and that’s the part that matters.

I’m thankful for her, because she was one of the people who first encouraged me to write, whether she knew it at the time or not.

Devon & Andrew

Devon’s my sis. We met in college, on a fluke day, twice, and we’ve been together ever since. Andrew’s her husband, and at this point he’s just as much of a friend to me as she is. They’re the people who ask about my writing, who let me talk about what I do, in all sorts of weird ways. They’re the people who encourage me to try new things, like getting back into gaming. Andrew and I are even attempting to co-write a novel together. They’re the duo I go to when I want to go do something fun, take a trip to Vegas, or just curl up on the couch and watch a stupid movie. And I love them for that—because we all need someone to chill with, someone to laugh with, and someone to enjoy life with.

I’m thankful for them, because they’re the ones who’ve always helped to get me out of my shell, in more ways than I can count.


It goes without saying, but I love my mum. I love my dad too, don’t get me wrong, but there’s just something about a mum, you know? Mum’s my cheerleader, my event co-host, my sous chef, my belly dance partner, and my very best friend. She proofreads my books, she’s cried with me when I’ve finished writing a story I love, and she’s literally been there for me, from the beginning.

I’m thankful for her, because she’s helped me grow into the person I am, today.

And now I hope you all think of the people you love, ponder why you love them, why you’re thankful for them, and maybe even contact them, to let them know.


{Rani Divine}