Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Near and Dear

All this month, we’ve talked about my reading, my writing, and my editing. So, today, let’s talk about something that’s also very near and dear to my heart.

My work with Mavguard Magazine.

See, last year I was brought on by RAD Writing as an associate editor and as the primary editor of Mavguard Magazine. It’s an amazing opportunity, and I love getting to be a part of it—I hope you’ll each at least check it out, see if it’s something you’d be interested in.

But! For some of you, Mavguard is something more than just an interest. It’s a vehicle.

I know what it is to want to get your first publication under your belt. I know how much it matters, what pride is held in knowing that you’ve gotten your first publication. I know what a big deal that is, I know how much it means to each of us.

Who do I mean?

The creatives, of course! Authors, poets, writers, artists, those of us who create as a way of life. It’s what we do, it’s who we are—or at least a very great part of who we are—and we wouldn’t give up on it for the world.

We’re the ones who gain the most from something like Mavguard Magazine, because we’re the ones who want to be published, who want to have our work in print and know that we did it, that we’re good enough to get published.

Unfortunately, we’re also the ones who so often don’t submit our work, because just as much as we’d like to get published, we also tend toward terror of receiving the dreaded rejection letter. It doesn’t matter if other people have thought our work was amazing, if we’ve been told over and over by countless reviewers that our work is worth it and that we should at least try, we’re still so often gripped by terror over the thought of even sending it in.

I wish that wasn’t the case.
I wish I could remove that fear from your minds.

But all I can do is guarantee you that we’re nicer than you think. I can’t speak for every publisher out there, but I can speak for RAD Writing and for Mavguard Magazine. I can tell you right now that we’re honestly pulling for you, that we want you to succeed, and that we’ll do everything in our power to help you get there.

So please, I urge you, take a chance on us.

Submit something.
Try it.

You never know—you might just get everything you’ve ever wanted.



{Rani Divine}

 p.s. Mavguard is having some issues with their art form today, so if you have trouble submitting anything, feel free to contact me or send them a message at their Facebook page. <3

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