Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Friendly much?

Hi everyone! I’m back, it’s windy, and I refuse to go outside. Desert winds are brutal, and they have literally knocked me over before. I don’t trust them. I’ve been doing my squats so the winds won’t knock me over again… but I still don’t trust them.

But enough about wind!

This month, we’ve been talking a bit about me, so you newbies out there can get to know me a little bit. I haven’t done a series like this in a while, so I wanted to make sure you all know who I am, since we have a lot of newcomers.

Thus far, we’ve talked about my being an author, an editor, a reader, and a daughter—and you can click through the archives to read all about those—but today, I have something else to talk to you about, still about me, of course. ;-)

I am a friend… to few.

As with many writers, I am an introvert. I call myself an extroverted introvert, because I actually do greatly enjoy people and being around them and listening to them and watching them and mildly interacting with them, but I prefer not speaking to any of them most of the time, and if they talk too much I’ll get annoyed and want to leave.

So, I’m definitely an introvert, but I do many extroverted things, like book signings. They come with the job. Nothing I could do about it. Oh well.

But I do actually have friends, I swear. I don’t have many of them, because most people who I’ve met just so happen to be extroverted, and we don’t always get along too well (primarily because I rarely want to go anywhere outside the house, while they always want to go out and do things).

Friendship is one of the things that’s very important to me. I love my friends, and I have so few of them that I cherish them very dearly. Losing a friend, to me, is a dangerous prospect. I’m as close with my friends as I am with my family, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The best part?

I have introverted friends! And I have friends who I’ve had for years, which is amazing, because we can literally hang out and do nothing, and we have the greatest time.

For a writer, for an editor, it’s exactly what I need. I spend most of my time in an extroverted mind, dealing with people and handling them into the story they’re supposed to be in, so at the end of the day I don’t always want to do something with more people, in a crowded place, with noise and… people. I like to be with one or two people, in a quiet place, doing fun things and being silly whenever I want to.

So that’s who I am. I’m a friend, to a few, and I try to be the best friend I know how to be, while always enjoying the quiet moments—because when you’re a writer, you have too many heads inside, and it’s good to get to be you, just for a little while.


{Rani Divine}

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