Well, it’s happened. We have, at
long last, reached the final edition in our series about, well, me. I hope that
you’ve all learned a little something about who I am as a person, and that you’ll stick around to
read what I have to say about anything and everything writing and reading
based, as I so often do here in Too Many Books to Count.
I feel as though I’ve shared more
about myself in this series than I’ve shared in a very long time, so I truly
hope you feel like you know me a little better than you did before this series
For today, I have one last thing
I want to tell you about me. One thing that probably could’ve (or should've) been first on the
list, for how important it is in my life. It’s at the core of me, even before
being a writer or an editor. It’s who and what I am, and it’s part of why I’ve
chosen to write the things I write, and the way I write.
Who is Rani Divine?
Well, I am a Christian
I know, however, that this means
many different things to many different people. I don’t mean to say that I
don’t like some people, that I want to bash a bible over your head until you believe
what it says, or that I’d shout your head off for disagreeing with me.
No, in fact, I’d be one of the
first people to tell you that you have a right to believe whatever you’d like
to believe, and to choose whatever lifestyle you wish. But I will also tell you
that I believe this is a God-given right, a right that He would not take away
from you, and a right that means there is darkness in this world, because God
would never take your ability to choose whatever path you will follow. Some
choose dark, some choose light. He won’t force your hand.
For me, in my life, Christianity means love. It means that I love you, whoever you are, reading these words. It means that I think you’re awesome. I think you’re amazing. I think you’re the coolest person on the planet. It means that I’d like to get to know you, to be your friend, because that’s seriously how cool you are.
Yes, it means that I want to
teach you about Christ, about God Almighty, but it doesn’t means that I’ll
force it on you. If you don’t want to talk about it, we won’t. I probably won’t
even bring it up when we meet.
Christianity, for me, isn’t about
parading wildly for Christ. It’s about being a kind person, a loving person, a helpful
person, someone who isn’t constantly putting others down or trying to propel
themselves above every other person.
I don’t want to see you put down.
I want to see you shine to your fullest potential. I want to see you be
awesome, because I know that you are awesome.
So, that’s who I am.
That’s who Rani Divine, the
writer of Too Many Books to Count, is.
And I hope you stick around, for
a very long time. We’ll have fun, I promise. ;-)
{Rani Divine}