Tuesday, December 19, 2017

We write words

Today, my friends, we’ve reached the final episode of our series, Treat Yourself. Yeah, I know, there’s still a week and a half left of this month, this year, but I want to take the rest of that time to talk about other things. I have some more personal posts in mind, to help us get to know each other a little better.

For today, however, there’s one last thing I’d like you to do this month, to treat yourself and your writing.

Word-Vomit Day

(Doesn't that sound glamorous?!)

Now, I’m sure a lot of you already do this a few times in a month. It’s a good practice, a good habit to get into. If you’re not getting words on the page, you’re doing something wrong. So, make sure you take some time to just sit and write—no matter what you’re writing. It doesn’t really matter, honestly. Just vomit out some words onto the page.

Point is, this time of year gets so busy that sometimes we let things like writing slip through the cracks, which makes it even harder to get back into things in January. We want to make January as easy as possible. Seriously, sometimes it’s nearly worse than December, with how much we all have to get done. I know that, very well.

I also know that sometimes we struggle with word-vomit day, because we want to be writing something profound, something amazing, and nothing like that is coming to us. It’s all a mess, it’s all chaos, and we don’t want to write that because it’s hard to clean up later.

Yeah, I know how that goes too. I’ve been in that boat. I’m a little bit in it right now.

So I want to take today to tell you that it really doesn’t matter what you write, as long as you make sure you’re writing.

Whatever you need to write, make sure you take some time and work on it. If that means sitting down and writing your blog posts (like I am right now) or working on your novel, make sure you take some time for it.

This month, I know we all tend to be taking time for all sorts of other things. We spend time with family, we hang out with people we haven’t seen in a year, we take the time to shop and find gifts for those we love—but how often do we take some time for ourselves, for our passion, for the thing we love to do?

No matter how busy your month is, no matter how chaotic the end of the year becomes, I just want to encourage you to take some time to write.

Me, I’m baking tomorrow, and I plan on writing while cookies are in the oven.

There are always ways to find and make time for writing, even when you feel like you don’t have any time at all. Trust me, I know how busy December gets, especially as we get closer to Christmas. But I also know how much my writing tends to suffer if I don’t sit down and get some writing time in during this hectic month.

Pamper yourself, my friends. Pamper yourself and your passion.

Write on.

[Merry Christmas]

{Rani Divine}

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