Monday, April 24, 2017

Sci to the Fi

It’s Monday! And I'm utterly late in posting this... sorry guys!

This week marks the beginning of something a little fun, for me, but more chaotic than anything else at the moment. See, RAD Writing is moving offices. And that’s where I work. So while I’m also moving houses this week, I’m moving my office to a new building as well. (so we here at RAD and Mavguard might be a little quieter than usual this week, but we're not gone—I promise!).

But! I still want to talk about genre! Of course I do! We’re finally to the week that we’ll be discussing the genres I write all the time!



Okay, so I know I haven’t released anything from this genre in a while, but while the Druid Novels have been coming out, I’ve finished writing my first continuous series, Earth-Space. It’s entirely science-fiction, and was a ton of fun to write, I’ll tell you.

So, why do we enjoy this genre?

To me, it seems as though people really enjoy science-fiction because it’s a great escape from the rest of the world. It’s actually become one of the most popular genres out there, if I’m not mistaken. People might not read it all the time, but a lot of us do watch a plethora of science-fiction. (Remember: all fantasy is science-fiction, but not all science-fiction is fantasy)

We like this genre because it’s a fun and unique way to talk about the real world, to show what people might be like in a different world, or a different form. And really, we all want to know more about humanity. We just do. We want to understand life in general, and science-fiction is a really cool way to do that.

But then, what do we gain from it?

I would say that we gain a certain level of understanding from sci-fi, honestly, that we can’t always get by just reading fiction or thrillers. We really see what the world is like, by putting this unique spin on it. For example, we can see what life would be like if perfect peace was had on Earth, by seeing how it was in Star Trek. Or, we can see how chaos could reign, through shows like The Expanse (which I don’t happen to like). Books like Old Man’s War are also really good examples of war in a non-human-exclusive way. That one is actually a really interesting study on age, as well.

There’s a lot we can learn or gain from science-fiction, and a lot that mirrors reality. For me, that’s enough to really enjoy it, and to never stop reading, writing, and watching it. 

What do you guys think?


{Rani Divine}

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