Wednesday, January 4, 2017


You know how January can be a bit drained of motivation for creativity? The holidays try to sap all creativity from the air, and when the new year begins we’re stuck here thinking we should be doing something, but unsure where to start…

And my favorite way to get back into the swing of things is to

Take Time for Yourself

Somehow, we forget to do this a lot of the time, especially around the holidays. We work, work, work until we have no energy to even consider doing anything else, and then we get mad at the world for taking up all of our time and energy, and then we end up doing more work because it’s the only thing we can think to do anymore, and eventually, our minds end up trapped in a cycle of chaos where our creative centers are either drained or dead or wired so tight that we can’t even hope to untangle the mess. 

And during the holidays it can be worse, because there are presents to buy and events to go to and things that need to be done aside from our usual amounts of work, which leaves us with even less time to be creative, and it's just... well, it's not good. 

To that end, it’s important that we take time for ourselves.

And I don’t mean taking time to be creative. I mean taking time to sit and be, and do nothing but think and clear our thoughts, maybe read or study something we enjoy, or talk to a friend about anything and everything but work and creativity.

It’s good for us.

It’s difficult to create if our minds are utter chaos. I would know. If I haven’t written in a while, all the ideas turn to a jumble in my head and I usually have to take a few days to clear everything up and get back into the zone. Not very time efficient, if you ask me, and it could’ve been fixed by my taking time to myself, time when I can just jot down my ideas and get them out of my head before I go on to something else.

We need that.

So remember to take some time for yourself, to relax and rejuvenate, to clear your mind and make way for creativity. Make some space in that brain of yours, clear out some room for things that you really want to do, not just the monotony of everyday life, of work.

My suggestion is to take some time for yourself every week, at least once a week. For me, that time is Sunday. It’s the day that I go to church to worship, to learn, and the day when I get to veg and do whatever I want to do. Sometimes I spend my day with family or friends, but most of the time I stay by myself and let my brain rewire back to the way it’s supposed to be, the way it was meant to be, with all sorts of room for learning, and for releasing that creativity.

It also makes Mondays a whole lot easier, let me tell you.



{Rani Divine}

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