Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Our first dynamic duo was the Power Couple, like the two who finally got together on that show I like to watch. See how I try to hide spoilers behind facades?

Today, I have another dynamic duo for you to consider:

The Princess and the Frog

Now, I don't mean this in a literal sense, mind you. But the Princess/Frog duo are a very dynamic pair, and they are often seen in both novels and short stories.

The best way to describe them is as follows:

One person is strong in almost every way, with very few weaknesses. The other one is a Frog. They don't really know what they're doing, but they know they have to stick to the Princess, no matter what.

And as per usual, I have two things to tell you about this dynamic duo.

1. Togetherness

As with all dynamic duos, these two work very well together. It's not because they offset each other, however. With the Power Couple, we noted that strengths and weaknesses should be opposite each other, but with the Princess/Frog dynamic, it works better if they have a similar weakness.


Because it's the thing that keeps them together. Think about it through the traditional Princess and the Frog story, told by parents to their children. The Princess is a strong character, who has almost everything she wants, but she doesn't have a Prince to make her life complete. The Frog is a weak character, whose very life has been stolen from him, and he needs a Princess to get his life back.

See what I mean?

They need each other, if they're ever going to get what they want. They have one very specific thing in common, and it's almost always the thing that makes them vulnerable and weak.

2. Apartness

Yeah, yeah, I know that's not a word. I wanted it to match better with togetherness, so I made it up. Hush yourselves. Unless you're giggling. Giggling is always aloud. Get it?

I digress.

The Princess and the Frog, because they're both very independent characters, don't really require that they always be together. So while there's a part to them that keeps them always tied to each other, because of the weakness they share, there's usually something between them that forces them to stay apart — and they're usually pretty okay with that, at least until the end, when all the issues are resolved and the weaknesses are worked out.

So there you have it. Dynamic duo number two. Friday will be the last in the series, which means Monday will bring us a new series... We'll see what it ends up being, as we lead up to the release of Cedwig :-D


{Rani Divine}

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