I hope those of you who've read Coetir enjoyed it, and that you'll stick around for more! There's more where it came from. Trust me.
Now onto the important stuff. Number eight!
#8: Old Man's War, John Scalzi
I'm not going to lie. I haven't actually finished reading this book.
Really, I started reading it in college as a way to communicate with the cute boy who sat a few seats down from me on the bus. Yup, that's right. I started reading it for a boy.
But don't you dare think I stopped reading because I didn't like him anymore. I'm nicer than that. Come on.
1. Starship Troopers on Steroids
Ever seen Starship Troopers? Then you'll know how crazy that movie is.
Well, Scalzi's book is even more so. Half of the time I hardly knew what was going on, because it was so crazy. But it's the kind of crazy that sci-fi writers need to keep coming back for. If you're looking for a pure bit of science fiction action, check this book out. Really, check out a fair bit of Scalzi's work. The man is a master when it comes to sci-fi, and full of inspiration for writers.
Space action, war, everything you'd expect from a good classic science fiction tale, all rolled up into one fairly long book. With some honest and deep character development, I might add.
2. Intensity
This, my dear friends, is why I haven't finished the book. It's too intense for me, and it's full of so much action that I get too drawn into my own ideas to care what happens to any of these characters.
If you're not a writer, that won't be a problem for you.
If you are a writer, you may join me in the land of recommending this book and never finishing it yourself.
Let me know if you join my club.
{Rani Divine}
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