Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Staring Eyes

Monday I wrote a letter to our questioner, and as this is the last week in our series, it felt right to continue the trend.

Again, I felt a connection with this person. I know how you feel. I've been there. I've seen those looks in people's eyes.

"How many people will look down on me for what I do?" 

Staring Eyes

Dear Questioner,

In some ways, I wish I could recount for you the number of times that I've been looked down upon for my choice in being a full time writer-editor. Like I said on Monday, people tend to think that the arts aren't necessary, that they're being phased out of existence, and that we're foolish for trying to follow in the arts.

But let me ask you something.

How many people, at the end of their day, turn on their television to catch their favorite show?

How many people, when they're going on a long flight, pack a book to read on the plane?

How many people, when they're trying to relieve stress, turn on some music?

That's art. Those are the arts, involved in the lives of everyone. People need art, they need beauty around them, and that's what you're choosing. You're choosing a career, a life, that will help you bring that to others.

Whether you're a horror writer or a classical pianist, you're working to bring beauty into the lives of others. You're working to scare them and bring smiles to their faces, or to get their minds spinning with a thousand notes of pure inspiration.

The next time someone looks down on you, remember that. Remember that you are putting yourself into a position where you'll be able to impact people's lives. Maybe you won't be the next Stephen King or Vincent Van Gogh, but that doesn't mean your work won't touch anyone. It doesn't mean you're working for nothing.

You're working for something.

You're doing something.

And it's beautiful.


{Rani Divine}

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