Monday, July 27, 2015


This week, as we close out the month of July, we're also closing out our series on faith. It's been a fun month for me, and I hope you've been enjoying my posts. Sharing with all of you is one of the highlights of my days.


1 Peter 4:10 (KJV) - As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 

1. We have a gift. 

Writers, artists, creatives, we've been given this gift. We're in the world to bring beauty and understanding, to show people that there's more than one way to look at things.

That's our gift. It's what God gave us. It's where He put us in this life.

For me, it's writing. It's getting to sit at my computer every day and write words for you all to read, words that I hope will touch your hearts and souls, words that I hope will mean as much for you as they do for me.

For some of you, it's music. For others, it's drawing or painting. Others sing. Some dance. Those are our gifts -- we, the creatives.

2. It's our responsibility. 

Those gifts belong to us. They're ours, and no one has the right to dispute it.

Some may try to tell us down, to talk us out of doing the things we love and convince us to set aside the gifts God has placed in our lives, but it is our right to choose. Our responsibility is to hone our gifts, to use them for light instead of dark, to show the world what He is.

No one can take that away from us, even if they try.

3. You decide

There's one big question here. What will you do?

Will you set your gifts aside, believing that you don't have time for them?
Will you let them fall by the wayside, thinking they have no use?

Or will you fight for them?
Will you use them to the best of your ability and beyond?

I choose light. I choose life. I choose my art.

And my art chose me, too.


{Rani D.}

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