Friday, May 8, 2015


These one-word-a-day things are pretty fun, aren't they? I hope you're enjoying reading them as much as I'm enjoying writing them!

Today's word is...


You might think that I'm picking very obvious words for this series, but there's a reason for each and every one of them. Even the best of writers can have trouble grabbing hold of all of these -- and flow can be a very difficult one to master.

Here, my four step way of flowing out the words:

1. Sit down and write the words

Words not coming to you? Carry on to step two.

2. Take a deep breath, sit down, and write the words

Still not working? Step three...

3. Put on instrumental music, take another deep breath, sit down, and write the words

If it's still not happening, well then we'll have to go on to step four.

4. Pray

Stories flow out of us because they were given to us by our creator. When I write, my fingers are moving across the keys faster than my brain is thinking of the words. Why is that? Because it's not really me doing the writing. I'm the conduit between heaven and earth, writing down the story that I've been called to write.

So if it's not coming to you, then pray.

And if it's still not coming to you, then it's probably not the time to write, or you've not opened up your mind to the possibilities the creator has in store for you.


{Rani D.}

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