Monday, April 6, 2015

I am...

I am a Mavguardian. 

But that doesn't just mean that I help out on the project, edit pieces going in the magazine, and work on the interior layout. It means more than just being a part of the project.

To me, being a Mavguardian means that I'm all about young writers.

See, at Mavguard Magazine, we focus on young writers, on new writers, on those who haven't been published before. Yeah, we also publish stuff from previously published authors and artists, but we cater specifically to the unknowns.

What does that mean for you?

It means that if you're unpublished and you want to get a publication under your belt, WE WANT YOU.

And if you're concerned that your work isn't something Mavguard will want, don't sweat it. Send it to RAD Writing for an overview, or attach it in a message to me. I'll let you know if you have things you need to fix or things I don't think Mavguard would be interested in.

I want you to be published!

I want you to be successful!

I want you to enjoy your art!

And honestly, I think we can do it together.

If you want to know more, head over to for more information -- or just drop me a comment or send over a message. I'll do my best to help you out!

If you've heard enough and want to send something in, the submissions window is OPEN! Click Here to go to the submissions page!



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