Friday, June 27, 2014

Monsters in the Attic

As you know (if you've been reading lately), today we're starting a new Friday series. I haven't titled it, because, well, I don't know what to call it. But here's what we're going to be doing:

Every Friday, I'm going to post a meme, like the one below. The memes will contain quotes about writing, or that have something to do with writing. The following blog will be my thoughts on that quote, what I believe it means, and how right or wrong I find it to be.

So far, I have a mass of these quote-memes saved up, and I think it'll be a lot of fun to go over them.

If you find any you'd like my thoughts on, feel free to send them my way!

A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. - Franz Kafka

This is actually one of my favorite quotes, because I think the whole thing is as true as it gets. How do I know this? Well, because when I'm not writing, everyone around me suffers.

Usually, I...

  • Get a little crazy
  • Am short tempered
  • Don't want to do anything, ever
  • Can't speak in full sentences
  • Forget to use descriptors 
  • Spend more time with the dogs than I do with the people
  • Cry for no apparent reason
  • Mope
  • Watch far too much girly television
  • Have nothing to say in a conversation I would usually enjoy
  • Stop reading
  • Stop saying "huzzah" and "indeed" (my two favorite words)
  • Say "huzzah" or "indeed" FAR more than usual, because I don't know what else to say...

Yeah. I'd say that's pretty close to insanity, for me. (And those are only the early symptoms!)

And in all honesty, it's seemed pretty similar for the others writers I know who've occasionally gone on hiatus. It takes a while to adjust to normality, and usually it's not a fun process.

The moral of the story is...

If you're a writer, you need to be writing. 
The day you stop is the day you start courting disaster. 

What do you think of the new series? It seems like a lot of fun to me! I'll still do writing tips and answer any/all of your questions about writing, but I'll probably move them to Mondays and Wednesdays for now. So feel free to send me more ideas, because I want to write the things that you want to read.

It's kinda what I do for a living. ;-)


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