Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Divine who?

Hey everybody!

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about who I am as an author (and as a person), and since we have a lot of newcomers here at TMBTC, I thought I’d spend this month telling you guys a little more about me. :)

I’m Rani Divine.

If you didn’t know that… well, then you’ve probably never been here before, so, welcome! I hope you stick around. Mostly, we talk about writing and editing, with some book reviews and fun stuff thrown in for good measure.


Because I’m an author.

I started my writing career back in 2013, with Telekinetic: Book I of the Advanced Saga (which, sadly, has never seen a sequel, even though I have most of the series finished). The series is dystopian sci-fi, in the vein of Marvel’s X-Men, but I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s not my best work.

See, I started writing novels in college. Literally, I got bored in my classes and started writing this story that I’d been dreaming for the past several nights. Within a semester, it became Telekinetic. Within two years, I had written Telekinetic, Telepathic, Teleporter, and most of Totalitarian. Twins was to be the finale… but then my genre changed. I began to prefer fantasy over science-fiction…

And so I switched.

I stopped writing the Advanced Saga.

By that point, I was about to release Telekinetic, through Xlibris (don’t work with them; I had a horrible experience), and determined that I didn’t ever want to self-publish again. The book wasn’t even out yet, and I was done.

Then, in yet another class, I started writing the Druid Novels. When it started, I had no idea it would be a series. In fact, I was incredibly excited to finally be writing a standalone novel. But by the time I finished Coetir and took a summer off to write another project, I had the ideas for Cedwig and Dwr. The series was born while I was in process of publishing Coetir, this time through the small press that had only just been born: RAD Writing.

Today, I have five books on the market, plus a short story. Telekinetic, Coetir, Cedwig, Dwr, Mynidd, and Letters From Hell. They’re my babies, the projects I’ve spent years working on. And the Druid Novels aren’t done yet.

Though I’ve finished writing every book in the series, editing and publishing takes a lot longer than you might think. With one release per year, it takes a while for the whole series to be on the shelf. Two books of the Druid Novels remain: Anialych and Cayau. I’m also working toward releasing short story books for each novel, to fill in some of the gaps and bring the story together.

The best part about the Druid Novels though? 

Because I didn’t know it was a series when I first started publishing, each novel is essentially a standalone. They all fit together into the grander universe of the druids, but they can be read in any order. The only one I’d recommend reading last is Cayau, and only because it’s the grand finale to the series.

So, who am I?

I’m Rani Divine. I’m an author, primarily of fantasy, right now. But I also dabble in science-fiction, I write short stories, and occasionally, on a strange day, I write poetry too. That’s not very good though.

If you’d like to know more about my books, check out RAD Writing online. The majority of my work has been published through them (because, hey, it’s weird to publish somewhere else when you work for the company that offers you multi-book deals).

Later this week, we’ll talk a bit more about that, shall we?


{Rani D.}

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