Monday, May 2, 2016

As what?

It's May! That means it's time for a new series of the month!

All month long, we'll be talking about words and phrases, some that I've cut out of my vocabulary, some that are just plain weird, and some strange phrases we use not infrequently in our daily lives. It's going to be a lot of fun, and at this point I honestly have no idea where the end of the month will take us.

Let's find out together, shall we?


I guarantee most if not all of you have heard this before. It's been the latest thing to repeatedly hit my newsfeed, this phrase, AF.

For the record, it stands for "As F***" and I never use it. I don't use that sort of language, so I would never have the opportunity to use a phrase like this, nor would I ever actually want to.

It's weird. 

Have any of you ever thought about it? Why on earth is everything "funny AF" these days?

Here's the thing:

AF is a meaningless phrase. I realized it a few weeks ago, while watching a video tag lined "when you're bored AF," and it got me thinking.

We know the meaning of the F word. Or, we know what it was originally intended to mean, though it's hardly used in that context any longer. It's now become just a word to bolster up whatever word came before it, though, it doesn't make much sense to do so. People say it when they're happy, sad, hurt, bored, or even when they just got their finger stuck in the car door.

It's become a nearly meaningless word, this curse.

But the other day I saw it used in the context of "Sexy AF" ... and I got a little more confused. This person was saying that their girlfriend was as sexy as a meaningless word. But how can a meaningless word be remotely sexy? So wouldn't he therefore be saying that his girlfriend isn't sexy at all? And then I felt bad for the girl, if her guy couldn't even find a better word to use in reference to her.

AF, really, has no function. There's no point or power in it. If you're bored, just say you're bored. Being bored AF is just being bored and stupid, and I think we'd all rather just be bored than stupid.

Please, for all our sakes, stop using this nonsensical phrase.

Our words need meaning, do they not? That's what they're there for, after all.


{Rani Divine}

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