Monday, April 18, 2016


Hi everyone! Don't forget, if you want to get a copy of Cedwig for 75% off, you still have time! Offer ends at midnight TONIGHT (check out the details in last Friday's post, here)!

For now, let's continue on our series.

Writers... Don't like People.

Okay, I can see how this one happened. A lot of writers get this weird look in their eyes when they're talking to actual people, like, we don't see you being a successful character and you should just buzz off. People take that to mean that we don't like them. And honestly, it might be partially true.

See, writers have been brought up to think about character and story, about how to develop characters into something that people will actually want to read. We really can't help but take that into our daily lives as well. So when we look at you, sometimes we're going to see a rendition of a character. Don't be offended by that, really. We can immortalize you in fiction, if we like you enough. *wink*

So we know what makes a good character.

We know what makes a bad character.

And we know very well that these do not correlate to what makes a good or bad person, a friend or an enemy in reality.

We do, I promise.

It's just that sometimes we're more focused on our work than anything else, or we're brainstorming for the next project, and you happened to show up.

Of course, it could also be that there are so many writers who just really don't like people, that it became a very common misconception, piled onto all our heads. It's possible. But hey, I'm not like that. So it can't be entirely true!

Me? I like people. I like people a lot. And no offense, but I really don't want to be around you all the time. I'd much rather be friends who see each other every couple weeks. It's less effort on both our parts, and less chance of me being too mentally exhausted to write. That's the introvert in me speaking. Ask me again when I'm at an event.


{Rani D.}

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