Friday, April 22, 2016

Attached at the hip

Guess what?

It's my mommy's birthday!! She's not in town to celebrate with me today, but you're all here to witness in my saying how very much I love her, how happy I am that she's having a great time on her birthday, and how much I look forward to seeing her again.

Mom, you've been an inspiration and the best of friends to me over the years, and I wish you the happiest of happy birthdays, blessed and highly favored as you are! <3

But, sorry mom, just because it's your birthday doesn't mean we don't have a regular post.

Writers... Are Never Away from their Laptops/Notebooks.

Okay. You got us. We're not. If we are, we have our cell phones, which also serve at notebooks. There's always a way to write, and we're never far from it. Even when we promise that we're here and that we're not going to work, we're still thinking about work.

It's not to be rude, really, it's just that we enjoy writing that much, and it's that much of our lives.

See, story is all around us. As writers, we see it in literally everything. No matter where we look, no matter what we're doing or what's going on around us, we see story. Sometimes we see things that could be used in stories, funny people that could be written in, images that we need to remember. There's almost always something, and we don't want to forget it.

So we keep a device on hand, to make sure we'll still be able to write.

Whether that means we always have our computer, or that we keep a notebook in our back pocket, there's always a way.

We're sure to never go far from one.

There was a time that I tried. A day that I went somewhere, away from home, with no phone, no computer, no notebook. And I regretted it. I found so many ideas that I went to a coffee shop and grabbed a napkin and a borrowed pen. It's true.

Story is everywhere.

Writers are opportunistic enough to grab it.

And really, we're not sorry if that causes you a little bit of frustration. You'll thank us later, when you read what we created.

Trust me.


{Rani Divine}

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