Wednesday, July 22, 2015



Monday we talked about depression. (Click Here if you haven’t read it yet). We talked about the fact that God doesn’t want us to have depression – even though science might tell us that it’s inevitable for creatives.

Today, I’m giving you one of the things I’ve used to keep from falling into that pit, that lie that says it’s impossible to stay away from depression.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV) - Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1. Rejoice

I know, I know, the word is a little archaic. But that doesn't mean we can't use it. We're writers, and we reserve the right to use every word in the dictionary. 

Point is, rejoice. 

Especially when you feel like you have nothing for which to rejoice. Praise God for everything He's done for you - even the things you couldn't see, or the things that were too small for you to pay attention to. 

Rejoice. Always. 

Stopping means giving up. It means giving in. And we're far too strong for that.

2. Pray without ceasing

Yeah, that's a lot of prayer. But prayer isn't a bad thing. It doesn't make you weak. It makes you strong. It links you to your Father, it brings you closer to the place you're supposed to be, and it gives Him the opportunity to speak to you.

So pray. And don't stop praying. Keep praying. 

We're writers. I know how many words you have in that noggin.

3. Give thanks

I guarantee you have something to give thanks for. Even if it's for nothing more than the clothes on your back, you have something to be thankful for. 

You are a son of God, and you are entitled to everything that comes with that sonship.

Ladies, that means you too. 

You know how sons have tended to get the better stuff out of the deal in their families? Well now we're sons. In His eyes, you're no different from a son in that sense. You still get all the perks. 

That's something to be greatly thankful for, wouldn't you say?

4. Embrace the peace and joy He’s placed in you

Whether you feel it or not, there is joy and peace inside you. 

Want to know how I know? 

It's because the Holy Spirit is alive in you, Christian, and He is peace. He is joy. So if He's in you, and He is peace and joy, then you have joy, and you have peace

So whether you feel it or not, remember it in your heart and in your soul. You have joy. You have peace. Don't say that you don't, just because you're not feeling it. Instead, ask Him to help you feel it, to embrace it. 

Do all of that, focus on Him instead of you, and you'll have fought off the beast. The enemy will have nothing to combat you with, because you'll know to respond only with love. 

And that's the best thing we can do, isn't it? 


{Rani Divine}

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