Monday, November 12, 2018

Into Oblivion

Hey guys, and welcome back to Too Many Books to Count! I’m glad you stopped by. :)

All month long, since it’s NaNoWriMo, we’re talking about ways to get in the zone and get that writing done. You know, so you’ll actually have a shot at writing 50,000 words in a month (which, by the way, I used to do every month, which explains why I've never actually participated in NaNoWriMo). Since I write a lot, and I have many methods in making sure I get my writing time in, I thought this might be a useful series for you all.

Thus far, we’ve talked about watching or listening to ASMR videos online, and listening to epic (or soundtrack) music as the score to your writing. Today, I’ll accent that a bit.

#3: Turn off the TV

No, really. Turn it off. Right now. Go do it. You don’t need the TV on while you’re writing.

Know why?

Because the human brain is wired to look at whatever is moving. If there’s a bug crawling around on the wall, your eyes will gravitate toward it as the thing that’s moving around. The same concept applies to the television, which is why so many people get completely glued to the thing.

Most of us really can’t get enough writing done if the TV is on, because instead of writing, we’re staring at the television. That’s not okay. So, right now, get up and turn that television off. Yeah, it might annoy the rest of your family. That’s okay, they can be annoyed at you for a month. 

If the television is on, your ASMR and your soundtracks won't be able to help you. 

Thing is, especially during novel writing month, you can’t afford to be distracted. That's why I picked out some things for you to listen to, to help you stay in the zone once you get there. But really, you can’t afford to be distracted anyway. This is your writing time, time when you’re not supposed to be watching TV or staring into oblivion, but writing.

So, why is the TV on anyway?

I know, I know, it’s an automatic response for most of us. We hit a certain time of day, and we reach for the remote. But if we’re going to be more productive, if we’re going to get all our words in for the day, it really is better if we change some of those habits.

It’s time to turn off the television and write.

If you want to get serious about writing, then get serious. Turn the TV off. Get rid of the distractions and thrive in the things that get you into the zone. Allow yourself to freely write and explore in the new world you’re creating.

That, my friends, is one of the most important things you can do this month.


{Rani Divine}

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