Thursday, November 30, 2017

Store It

Well, it’s happened. November is very nearly over, and we’re down to the final topic in our series. It’s so strange to me, that the year is already almost gone. It’s been an interesting year, a fun year, and a difficult year… but I’m not sure I’d say I’m ready to let it go. To that end, next month’s topic will be a lot of fun. I already have my topic figured out, my schedule determined. I think you’ll really like it.

For today, let’s talk about one last thing you can do to make sure your books are seen by the highest number of people, and that you are noticed as the amazing writer you are. One last question I want you to answer. One last thing I want you to think about.

How many stores are you in?

Remember, it’s not just about Barnes & Noble. Though BN is the biggest (actual) bookstore that’s left in the country, it’s not the only one where people shop. In fact, I know a lot of people who primarily shop at small bookstores, locally owned or independent bookstores, places where money is going to go to help the economy of their city rather than lining the pockets of yet another millionaire.

In order to be seen by those people, to be seen by as many people as possible, you need to be in the most stores possible.

Consignment is not the enemy. I know some of you are thinking that you’d rather be making a full profit than having to deal with consignment rates, having to work with stores that might not have the best records possible, but the thing is, there are people shopping in those stores. Even if you’re not making as much money off the books as you could be, you’re still getting your book into people’s hands. Local people will see it. They’ll see that you’re an author based out of their city, their state, and that’s something really cool. People like to support locals, no matter where in the States they’re from. New Mexicans support New Mexicans. Alabamans support Alabamans. That’s just how it goes.

What you have to do is make sure you’re in the line of sight of as many of those people as possible. So, don’t just get your book onto Amazon and into Barnes & Noble and call it good. Get into the local stores. Put your books on the shelves of the little shops downtown. Get into places where your books can be seen by people's eyes, touched by their hands, where people you might not be able to reach any other way will finally see your book and realize how great an author you are.

There are millions of potential readers out there. All you have to do is get your book in their sights.

So do that, in as many possible ways you can.

Get seen. Be read.

That’s what we’re all going for, in the end.


{Rani D.}

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