Monday, July 11, 2016


Good for Evil, Evil for Good

I’ve heard it said many times that in the end times, God will take what is evil and use it for good, and that what is good will be used for evil. And I’m telling you right now that this neither makes sense nor is possible, nor is it written in the Word of God.

What is evil cannot possibly be used for good, because it is inherently evil. It cannot change its ways. And what is good cannot possibly be used for evil, because it is the furthest possible thing from evil.

How then do so many people think that there is this line between them, that good and evil are actually quite close to each other? I’ll tell you. They’re deceived.

See, the Bible is actually very clear that good and evil don’t mix. Things are black and white – there is no gray area. Either be hot or cold. You can’t be lukewarm. (Revelation 3:16)

Check out Isaiah 5:20 –

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Pretty definitive, if you ask me. It doesn't say "when you start confusing good and evil, you're doing great!" it says "woe unto you." That's not a good thing.

Still, I know some of you will still be confused. See, the end times have brought about a change in people. They’re calling good things evil and evil things good. And I’ll give you an example, one that a lot of you won’t agree with me about.

Let’s say you see a young woman walking out of a hospital, having just gotten an abortion, and you applaud her. It’s her body, right? Except that it’s not her body. Her body is a vessel in which another body was living. That little life was murdered, never allowed its chance to grow beyond her womb. But you’ll say it’s good, because it’s her body and she has a right to it.

That’s calling evil good. Because there is no gray, only black and white. Murder is evil, it cannot be good. It doesn’t have the capacity for it. Whether it’s an adult killing and adult or a doctor killing a child before they reach maturity in the womb, it’s still killing. It’s still murder. It’s still a vile act, Biblically speaking. God's Word in no way advocates abortion, nor does it advocate murder.

See? Evil is evil. And in the same way, good is good. They’ll never intersect, because they’re complete opposites.


{Rani D.}

p.s. If you feel yourself getting the desire to post a comment about how I'm closed-minded when it comes to the topic of abortion, feel free to check out my former blog post on the topic of closed-mindedness, here

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