Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Blessed or Cursed.

What's the real difference between a blessing and a curse?

Blessings and curses are a big theme in the Bible. They’re recurring throughout nearly every book, if not every single one of them. There are blessings when things are done right, and curses when things go wrong. If you think about it, that’s really how the world is. Your whole life, you’ve been both blessed and cursed by those around you. It’s how life works. So, the Bible isn’t any different. The Bible is real. It happened. And it happened in this world. So of course it’s not any different. God had His people write it down for all of us, to see Him. Even now.

I’m off track. I apologize.

Someone asked me this question when I started the series, and I thought it’d be good to get it straightened out in everyone’s minds. 

Let's start with some simple definitions: 

Blessings are defined as help and approval from God.

Curses, on the other hand, are defined as a prayer or invocation of harm or injury to come upon one.

[definitions from]

So to boil it down to the simplest possible level, blessings are good and curses are bad. Blessings are what people expect to get when they do good things, and curses are what people expect to get when they do wrong. Of course, that’s not always the way things play out.

However, notice in the definitions that only blessings come from God? That’s true. God is good, and only good and just things come from Him. (note the word just)

Check out Deuteronomy chapter 28. No really, go read it. Right now. 

One column of the chapter is blessings, and the other is curses.

The blessings are what God wants to give us. They’re actually what He gives us. The curses are what we get if we don’t believe, if we haven’t put our faith and trust in His Son, Jesus. But the thing that I really want you to understand is this:

God’s not the one who put curses on the Earth.

God created this world and He called it good (Genesis 1). It was good. It is good. Satan is the one who came in and took that away, and introduced cursing. He introduced evil into the Earth, and he is the source of all evil. When something bad happens to you, to anyone, that’s not God’s doing. It’s Satan’s. Only evil can come from the devil, and only good can come from God. That's who and what they inherently are.

The world is a lot more black and white than people like to think.

I hope that cleared up the difference between blessings and curses, and I sincerely hope that you’re enjoying this series! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments!

[love & blessings]

{Rani Divine}

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