Friday, December 18, 2015

That's all there is

Sheesh-kabob it's Friday already. Wow. Where did my week go?

At least I've almost finished the short story.

But first things first:

The release dates for the short story are listed at the bottom of this blog, don't worry.

AND don't forget to check back in here on January 1 for the cover reveal of my next book, Cedwig: People in the Vines! It's going to be gorgeous. Trust me.

Oh, and I'll also tell you when you can expect it to hit shelves.

Today, however, we're deciding how our lovely little short story should end. I've almost finished it, so it can be edited and sent down to the fine folks at Mavguard Magazine, but you'll have to wait a little while to check it out for yourselves.

Over the past week, we've decided on how the beginning and middle of the story ought to go, based on three options I've listed. None of these are necessarily the way the story went, but you'll find that out for yourselves soon enough.

Click Here for part one and Here for part two, in case you're behind.


(part three)

As usual, we start out with three options for our finale, our big finish, the finis, the end.

Option #1: With Neal unconscious and the Hunter plan thwarted, Kaylen takes a damaged Apollo back to ISS7, where Neal will face judgment for his actions.

Option #2: With Neal now dead following his fight with Kaylen, Kaylen turns Apollo toward the Hunters to avenge the man she thought her superior officer was.

Option #3: Neal is unconscious and the Apollo has been overtaken by a Hunter ship, and Kaylen prepares herself for combat.

And again, all three are viable options. They're not horrible options, and any of them could really be explored to create a decent short story, and as you can see, two of them would plausibly end with cliffhangers. But let's follow our pattern and break them down a little bit to choose the one that best suits the story and all the details we've gone over so far.

Option #1:

Personally, I find this option a little boring and safe. It seems as though Kaylen has does nothing at all, except maybe push someone against a wall to knock them out. And I'm not sure where Orlan's character would come into all this, which is a little odd. There is also a lot of danger of cliche here, because this story has been done so many times in so many different settings.

Option #2:

Well, we all know how much I enjoy a good cliffhanger. This one might be a little too much. After all, she's a rookie. I don't know that this idea really fits her character, because as we saw in her character sketch, she's afraid of everything. Would someone who's so afraid easily go on the offensive? I think this one simply comes too close to breaking her character.

Option #3:

Why is #3 always my favorite? I swear, I didn't do that on purpose. But this one is, again, the one I would be most likely to choose. It leaves us with a cliffhanger so the audience can decide what actually happens at the end, and it shows Kaylen in the best sort of light. She was able to fight her way out of Neal's control, but now she's found herself in a bigger problem and has to find a way out of it as well. To me, this is a more interesting study on her character, especially if we don't tie it off in a neat little bow.

But enough about my choices. Which plots would you have chosen? Or do you have better ideas that would've made the story far more interesting than any of these?

Leave your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check back in December 28 & 30 to read the story! (it doesn't have a name yet... oops.)

Again, Copyrighted by RAD Writing, 2015.


{Rani D.}

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