Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I hoped you enjoyed my prior post, because we're not changing the theme of the week. You're stuck with it until Monday. What am I doing Monday? Well you'll have to wait and see.


 Obviously, I'm a science fiction kind of girl. It's what I write the most, and it's what I enjoy the most in the world of telie -- but there are three shows that take the cake. Okay, technically four.

1. Stargate

If you've read my bios, you'll know I first developed the science fiction bug with Stargate SG-1. One of my brother's friends told him to watch it, so we watched it together, and now I have all of the seasons and the movies. Oh, and Atlantis, the spin-off, which I liked almost more than the original. How often does that happen?

Stargate was the thing that pushed me into the world of science fiction, the show that opened my mind to new possibilities in story, and it was really part of why I started writing in the first place.

Despite the fun characters, amazing writing, and interesting plot lines, that's enough to make Stargate #1 in my book.

2. Firefly

No, I didn't watch this show when it first aired on TV. I didn't hear about it until well after the show had been cancelled, but that didn't stop my watching it — or my occasionally dreaming that I'm a part of their world.

That's what really made Firefly amazing, was that Joss Whedon made everything come to life and made us all want to be a part of that story. It's a difficult thing to do, especially with a television show, and yet he pulled it off with seemingly minimal effort.

That's what keeps me watching this show, even now.

3. Sanctuary

I'll admit it, I was livid when I found out this show was over. There was no warning, no final season, nothing. Syfy just decided at the last minute that they didn't want to bring it back. So... it's gone.

But Sanctuary was something of a breakthrough for me. Not only was almost the entire show filmed on green-screen, but I didn't care. The characters, the story, everything was believable enough that I didn't care how fake some things looked. All I wanted to do was keeping watching and know all my favorite characters were going to stay alive, which, spoiler alert, some of them didn't.

I could also mention shows like Warehouse 13, Eureka, or Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I felt like that would be going a bit too far.

Boy do I have a thing for shows that don't run anymore.



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