Friday, June 12, 2015


Show of hands: who's seen Stargate?

Those of you who have, you'll have a leg up on everyone else for this post.

Those of you who haven't... don't worry, I'll explain everything.


This is for you historical science fiction writers. I know there are some of you out there, and I have to say, I really can't wait to read what you have in store for the world.

Stargate did something interesting with historical fiction, something that intrigued me to the point that I just had to make a blog post about it.

Aliens in history.


Read on, my friends. Read on.

1. Sometimes actual people from history make more sense as aliens

Case in point, the Pharaohs. Stargate posed that the Pharaohs of Egypt were actually aliens who came to Earth and enslaved the humans of Egypt. In all honesty, that makes more sense to me than a lot of the actual Egyptian history.

(for the record, I very much enjoy learning about their culture in particular -- I'm not saying their history is stupid, because, well, have you heard ANY of the U.S. history?) 

2. Sometimes actual events from history make more sense if aliens were the cause

What if Hitler were an alien?

For that matter, what if King Arthur was an alien?

Things start to make a little more sense, don't they? That's what I enjoy most about science fiction historical writing. We can take actual (or plausible) events from history and pose them in a new way, a way that wouldn't actually change the way things happened in history, but would change the implications of it. 

3. Sometimes the way the world developed... makes more sense if aliens were involved

Ponder the internet, for a few moments. After a while, it starts to hurt my brain. It doesn't make any sense, and yet almost everyone uses it almost every day.

What if the internet was brought to us by aliens? I dare one of you to write a story about that and submit it to Mavguard Magazine, because I REALLY want to read it.


{Rani Divine}

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