Friday, February 20, 2015


To round out the week of discussions about friends, it seemed fair to bring up the most important type of friend:


Yeah, yeah, "but they're not technically friends, because they have to like you." That's what you're thinking, right? Well, you're wrong. Your family doesn't have to like you. Trust me. I've seen plenty of families who hate each other. Family is supposed to like each other -- and it's important for every member, that they do.

For writers, it's highly important to have close familial relationships, and here's why...

1. You'll know how to write a strong family, or at least a strong familial bond

It's been one of my points in every single blog this week, hasn't it? Experiencing it makes it far easier to write about, and families are no different.

Plus, strong familial bonds aren't often seen in novels these days. I'd consider it something refreshing.

2. You'll have a safety net, if anything does go wrong

Family is there for each other, when things go wrong. Yes, friends are there for each other too, but not in the same way. Family takes care of each other, they go that extra mile that friends aren't always willing to go, and they always love you, even when you're at your most unlovable. They become your safety net if things go badly, and they make sure you never truly hit rock bottom.

3. They're there -- even when your friends can't be

When your friends are all at work and you're trying to get a scene done but all you want to do is cry... Your family will be there. That's what they're there for. They're a support group, if you will. And true, maybe some of you don't currently have this type of relationship with your families, but I strongly encourage you to make one. And if you can't make one with your biological family, then make one with a tight group of friends. Whatever you have to do, to make sure you always have that close circle surrounding you.

It's what your characters want (for the most part), and I encourage you to follow their advise. After all, they're in your head.



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