Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Trial and Error

I've been having great difficulty coming up with something to talk about today. My words seem to have run dry and all I want to do is lay in bed and watch Doctor Who in preparation of the new season.

Then it occurred to me that this would be the perfect thing to talk about.

Sometimes, writers don't want to write.

Sometimes, we'd rather do other things.

Occasionally, even our own characters don't want to talk to us.

Sometimes, we find ourselves with no inspiration whatsoever.

But still we find a way to sit down at our computers and write, because if we weren't writing, then what would we be?

I think like this a lot, because really, if I wasn't a writer then what would I be? In all honesty, I have no idea. In normal human terms (too much Doctor Who I think...) we tend to think of ourselves by what we do and not by who we are. That makes me a writer. But if I suddenly was unable to write, then I don't know what I would be. A cashew addict, I suppose.

Today is just one of those days where I don't feel like sitting down to write. I started a new story last week, and it's taking a bit for me to get into it. I know where I want the story to be, but I also know that I have to stall for time so the story doesn't end up being half as long as the others in the series.

And stalling for time is annoying. Why? Because it's not actually allowed. Stalling is boring to read and boring to write. So instead of stalling, I'm searching for other things that I can add into the story before it gets to the place I want it to be.

That means a lot of research, a lot of random writing, and a lot of premature edits, deletions, and trial and error.

I'll tell you, this isn't the fun part of writing.

But the part that comes after this, the part where we get into the heart of the story and start to fall in love with our creations, now that's reason enough to suffer through.



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