Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mixing Point of View

I write in third person, almost exclusively.
I read first person, semi exclusively.


Because reading in the same manner that I write doesn’t generally benefit me. I know a lot of what there is to know about writing in third person, and I feel like I don’t really need to know more about it. At least, not right now.

First person is different, and it can teach me how to do things differently, even while I’m writing in third.

Second is a whole other story. Sheesh. Second person is crazy.
But really, second person is a non-admitting first person…

I digress.

The point is, no matter what type of writing you prefer, whether it be third, first, or even second, there’s always something to learn from other points of view.

Stories generally decide for you, as to which POV they want to be in, and you need to be ready to roll with the punches. Maybe you’re like me, and you’re writing a semi-omniscient third person novel, but one character refuses to be written in third and must be written in first. Or maybe you’re the other way around, and you have characters who need to be in third though the rest of the story is first.

Whatever the case may be, it’s all okay! Mixing POV’s can be fun and make the story a lot more engaging for your readers, so why not try it out?

Happy Wednesday!

{Rani D.}

p.s. Zombies, anyone? 

p.p.s. Please avoid passive voice. :)

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